777 Selby Avenue

Summit Hill Neighborhood 777 Selby Avenue Number of Residential Units: 3 1 Bedroom: $1000 - $1399/month Utilities Included: Heat, Water, Trash Removal Amenities: Off-street parking, on-site laundry ($15 single occupancy/$25 double occupancy), hardwood floors, storage,...

1831 Portland Avenue

Union Park Neighborhood 1831 Portland Avenue Number of Residential Units: 10 1 Bedroom: $950 - $1200/mo., 2 Bedroom: $995 - $1100/mo. Utilities Included: Heat, Water, Trash Removal, Recycling Amenities: Off-street parking, On-site laundry, hardwood floors, natural...

1823 Portland Avenue

Union Park Neighborhood 1823 Portland Avenue Number of Residential Units: 11 1 Bedroom + add'l room: $950 - $1200/mo., 2 Bedroom: $995 - $1100/mo. Utilities Included: Heat, Water, Trash Removal, Recycling Amenities: Off-street parking, On-site laundry, hardwood...

1823 Laurel Avenue

Union Park Neighborhood 1823 Laurel Avenue Number of Residential Units: 22 Studio: $750-$795/mo., 1 Bedroom: $1000 - $1100/mo., 2 Bedroom: $1350/mo. Utilities Included: Heat, Water, Trash Removal, Recycling Amenities: On-site laundry ($15 single occupancy/$25 double...

416 Snelling Avenue S

Highland Park Neighborhood 416 Snelling Avenue South Number of Residential Units: 3 1 Bedroom: $1050 - $1300/mo., 3 Bedroom: $1750/mo. Utilities Included: Heat, Water, Trash Removal, Recycling AmeniAmenities: On-site coin operated laundry, hardwood floors, natural...